2023-07-06 FEATURE: It is now possible to point your subdomain to an IPv6 address, using the &myip parameter. You can configure both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses simultaneously for your subdomain. (Special thanks to Ingmar for testing this feature).

2022-03-12 FEATURE: You can now check your external IP address by going to http://freemyip.com/checkip. Note that if you want to use it in pfSense in versions released before 2022, you will need to add the ?format=pfsense parameter.

2021-01-18 FEATURE: It is now possible to delete your subdomain, using the &delete=yes parameter. It is not possible to recover deleted subdomains, and it is not possible to re-create deleted subdomains within 12 months. (Special thanks to Lars Johansson for testing this feature).

2020-11-28 FEATURE: It is now possible to change TXT record for your domain, using the &txt parameter. This is very useful if you want to use Let's Encrypt certificates for your website. (Special thanks to u/ocelost, u/lyrajc and u/Nolzi from a Reddit forum for proposing and testing this feature).

2020-09-16 FEATURE: It is now possible to use either GET or POST requests to configure all available parameters. When using POST method, make sure the body of your request is of x-www-form-urlencoded type.

2019-01-28 FEATURE: In order to reuse abandoned subdomains, the system will now automatically remove subdomains that have not been updated in over 12 months. In order to keep your subdomain forever, make sure you update it at least once a year (the IP doesn't have to actually change - just an attempt to update will count).

2018-12-26 FEATURE: Now using Google reCaptcha v3 to help identify traffic from bots. This allows to throttle the traffic they generate, which significantly lowers bandwidth and CPU utilization, hence reducing hosting costs. Also, added link to Patreon site on the Donate page.

2017-03-11 FEATURE: Switched to Google's new Invisible reCaptcha, as well as additional improvements related to botnet detection. If you see messages like "you are doing this too often, try again later" it means you triggered botnet protections and need to wait a few minutes before you can continue using the service. Also, added better detection of SEO activities.

2017-02-26 FEATURE: Lots of under-the-hood performance improvements. Server load was reduced by almost 50%, which means more users can be accommodated on the same hardware. IP address updating and website response times were also greatly reduced.

2017-02-12 FEATURE: Added optional &myip parameter to allow pointing domains to any arbitrary IP address. (Thanks to Jon Gerdes for proposing and testing this feature).

2017-02-02 FEATURE: Added configuration examples for many devices, routers and software to the Help section. (Special thanks to eibgrad and Alozaros for testing it on dd-wrt, and to Gertjan and Jon Gerdes for testing it on pfSense).

2017-01-22 FEATURE: Added support for dyndns and dyndns2 protocols. This means that all devices that support these protocols can now be configured to use freemyip.com, as long as they allow to configure custom server name. (Thanks to hestermofet for testing it on EdgeRouter).

2017-01-13 FIX: SSL configuration on this site was only getting "C" grade on ssltest website. This was fixed by disallowing RC4 encryption, and generating stronger and unique primes for Diffie-Hellman key exchange to provide better forward-secrecy. (Thanks to Ligushka for reporting this issue).

2017-01-12 FEATURE: Any subdomain in your domain will now return your IP. For example, if your domain is domain.freemyip.com, you can access your IP by going to this.is.my.domain.freemyip.com or i.really.like.my.domain.freemyip.com, etc. You can use this to set up virtual servers in your network.

2017-01-10 FIX: The script used for updating IP address was named update.py. This was causing problems on some browsers that were configured to treat .py extension as Python source file, and tried to save the file. Removing the .py extension fixed this issue. (Thanks to wpeckham for reporting this issue).

2017-01-09 FIX: The "Let's Encrypt" certificate that this site uses is not yet being recognized correctly on all browsers and operating systems. This was causing some browsers to raise certificate errors. The problem was fixed by including the full chain of certificates in the web server. (Thanks to hestermofet for reporting this issue)